Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m a former classroom teacher and current catechist, which means that I attempt to share my faith as best I can. I view culture through a Catholic lens, but my interests include pop culture, highbrow literature, and acquisition of craft supplies. I am happiest when I am teaching or writing.

This blog started in the early aughts (people say that, right?) when I was teaching at a Catholic high school and wanted to connect with like-minded readers. It has ebbed and flowed as I have left the classroom, returned, then semi-left it again. I’ve learned that the truly precious parts of life are better kept off the Internet, and my children surely appreciate that their vacations and Crimes Against Carpet are no longer available for public view. Still, blogging has been a unique opportunity to connect with friends and learn about those whose perspectives differ from my own. I am glad to be back at it.